by Br'er Lion
In the tallest grass, a decision is made.
The way matters not— it all starts the same.
To stand or to stalk, to prance or to prowl.
Of antelope’s hoof or lion’s jowl.
To chase oneself is a challenge unmatched.
No goal in sight, a beast lay trapped.
Yet, the chase beckons— it always had.
A stirring in the blood, a rival’s spat.
Deep within, whether herd or pride,
An answer to the self lies inside.
Of spiraled horn and crooked claw,
The beast within seeks them all.
A cycle complete, a journey done,
Predator and prey return as one.
This poem was written for Day 20 of the Alterhuman Writing Challenge.
The original upload of this poem can be viewed here on Tumblr.